Surrendered Leadership

Surrendered Leadership (SL) is where we practice not trying to do or change anything, stepping out of the way, and allowing the doing and changing to happen naturally through us. It's a path of ease and elegance (once mastered).


What is Surrendered Leadership

Surrendered Leadership is a practice that grew out of Circling, and is one of many practices that constitute the Authentic Relating field.

Every person seems to hold the practice in slightly different ways, so this is shining a light on it from my background. My path into this field came through 15 years of mostly solitary exploration of consciousness with psychedelics and Buddhist meditation practices.

I am also very interested in truth and how the world works, and rather sceptical of a lot of things in the "spiritual" field. I don't believe in anything supernatural.

When I call something spiritual, what I mean is that it relates to the quest for greater intimacy with being alive, being in direct contact with the living, breathing world which is not possible to catch in propositions, but is possible to experience directly. This is a nuanced topic which is very hard to talk about.

For me, Surrenderd Leadership is a modern approach to spirituality that is explicitly experiential and has no interest in pushing any propositional beliefs.

I like to divide it into some distinct sub-practices to make it easier to talk about:

It's the relational aspect that sets SL and its siblings apart from classical meditation and it makes it not only more robust (because the practice space is so similar to regular life), but also a lot more fun, and thus more likely to actually be practiced. It also gives relational skills you don't get in regular meditation.

SL is also something you can do all the time, it isn't dependent on other people doing the same, although that really helps when you are learning. When you lead your life from surrender, your freedom increases and your growth accelerates. It's all about not trying to do or change anything, stepping out of the way, and allowing the doing and changing to happen naturally. It can seem slower, but it really isn't.

I lead practice sessions in Surrendered Leadership in Stockholm sometimes, and other cities. I also lead other events focusing on presence, aliveness and embodiment. If you want me to let you know about events I lead (also sometimes getting discounts), sign up to my news­letter:

I'm also considering a foundationl course in SL. It will be announced in the news­letter when it's ready. Please let me know if you are interested, then you can also have some influence on the curriculum. Just write me.